14 Weeks In

Current progress update... Forgetting how to pose! I'll be making it a goal to get some posing practice in each week.


The past week, like the week before, was spent increasing calories. Worked up to 120p/47f/215c (1763 cals) last week. This week I'm up to 120p/51f/235c (1879 cals) on upper body days and 120/55/256 (1999 cals) on lower body days. This is near my maintenance, probably slightly above it, so we'll see what my body does this week. Trying to grow dem glutes! No cardio, well, because you know me, and I don't especially enjoy it. Lifts are good. Strength is increasing, and motivation is definitely there. I'm feeling really good about my direction during this improvement season and am looking forward to putting in the work.

That's it -- short and sweet today! Not too much is new, but that's the way I like it. Nice and steady. :)


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