7 Months Out

Just under 7 months out. I'm wrapping up my bulk this week, and I'm SO excited to start losing some fat. Sunday was my last "bulking" workout. This week I'm taking a deload, and next week I'll start dieting. Words cannot explain how excited I am. After 12 months of over-feeding, I am completely ready to start shedding some fat and seeing what I've been building. At first glance, 7 months (more like 6.5 at this point) seems like a long time to diet, but that will give me 28 weeks. I'd rather have plenty of time to diet, time to take deloads as needed, time for stops and stalls in fat loss progress, and time to be ready early. I'd rather take plenty of time, keep my food intake as high as possible, and keep prep as comfortable as possible. Plus I'm just ready.

7 months out

Weight is just under 129 lbs. I haven't cracked 129 yet, but I'm sure that will happen this week. To be honest, I'm glad this is my stopping point. This is absolutely as fluffy as I'm comfortable being. Macros have increased a bit: 130P/60F/410C. After increasing training frequency and volume, the scale just wasn't moving. Still at zero cardio. 

Twice now I've thrown up while brushing my teeth in the morning because I'm nauseously full. BULK SO HARD! LOL. Reflecting on this bulk, I know I probably gained more body fat than was necessary. But I also know that I took a YEAR to improve my physique and really milk my beginner gains. In the future, as my training age increases and my potential for muscle gain decreases, I'll settle for leaner bulks with smaller caloric surpluses. ;) 

I finally got a new full length mirror after breaking my last one, so I'll leave you with some comparison pics. Left was December, right was today. (There's a difference of about 20(?) lbs. in these pictures... Be kind.)


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