11 Months Out

Progress update. About 11 months out from spring 2015 shows. Weight wise, I'm averaging right around 120 lbs. It has taken me awhile to break into the 120's, but I'm finally there as of this week. Current macros are 130P/70F/365C. Zero cardio. Aiming for about 0.5 lb. gain per week, which has recently slowed. I'm creeping up on the 400 grams carbs club.

11 months out

I'm currently dealing with some pain in my right patellar tendon. My guess is that I was so excited to get my squat up that I was just pushing too much too soon. It's obviously not ideal, but I'm trying to stay positive as I work around it. I've taken just over 2 weeks off from any sort of leg work. It has started to feel a bit better over the last few days, so I'm hoping to ease back into some leg work here soon. I'm focusing on being thankful for the things that I am able to do, and not dwelling on the negatives. If training hard enough for long enough, most of us will eventually face an injury (whether major or minor) at some point in time. Learning to train around your injuries gives you a sense of control when limitations in what you can lift or how fast you can heal can make you feel helpless. Bodybuilding isn't easy, and it doesn't always feel good. But that's what makes it so worth it; knowing that you have the strength to overcomes life's obstacles. Stay positive, and focus your energy on the things that you actually have control over.

I'm happy to report that upper body strength and performance has been good. I'm very much enjoying my training. As I write this, today is a rest day, and I would rather be lifting. LOL.

Cheers to another wonderful month fighting for dem gainz!


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