18 Weeks In

I'm 18 (???) weeks in to my improvement season, and I've seriously been miscounting the weeks. LOL. This marks about halfway through my improvement season; I have another 18-ish weeks until it's time to start my prep.

The other day, I saw someone refer to the improvement season as "the prep before the prep" and I couldn't agree more. This is when the magic happens, when the changes and improvements are actually made on a physique. The body you bring to the stage is the body you build in the off season. After I get through the initial post-contest window (which, as I've talked about, is pretty challenging for me), I actually really like the off season. I like eating (of course), I like feeling strong, and I like having more energy and better recovery. Don't get me wrong, I like leaning out and seeing improvements towards a contest as well. Who doesn't? But I like both, and I think that's why I love the sport so much, because it's constantly challenging yet constantly rewarding, just in different ways. It keeps things interesting.

I don't think there's a right or wrong amount of time to take between shows. I don't think there's anything wrong with competing each season so long as you're feeling good doing it. If you need to make major improvements, you're probably going to need more time away from the stage. But I also think it's important that it's balanced with how much time you want/get to spend competing. I like building and shaping my physique, but I also miss the stage. Like everything else, I'm finding the right balance for me.

Anywho, 26 weeks out from my first show of the spring season, and 28 weeks out from my first pro show. Still working on making some gains!

10.3.2015 morning face game strong

Calories are in a surplus: 120p/55f/256c (~2000 cals) each day. Woohoo! Weight is hovering ~109 lbs and energy is feeling good. I've been dealing with some hip/glute tightness this week, and I'm pretty sure it's from pushing the volume on my glute work. I've been putting in some quality time with the trigger point therapy roller and a lacrosse ball, and things are feeling better. I know I push my limits at times; sometimes I can get away with more, sometimes I can't. But I'm also improving on being aware of my body, taking additional recovery days when I need them, and learning what tools and techniques help most with my pain. (I'm fragile, LOL.) I reduced my training frequency from 6x/week to 5x/week (and with that, a small decrease in overall training volume) and am feeling good about that change. No formal cardio, just lots of dog walking. Thankful for another week of doing what I love. :)


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