8 Months Out

My full length mirror broke (plus it's getting harder and harder to get a decent picture with the extra fluff, LOL) so I'll leave you with this deadlifting pic from last week. My deadlift is not super strong, but I am proud of it nonetheless. (Been consistently hitting 135 lbs. for very clean and fluid sets of 10-12 reps.)

I've changed up my training just a bit, increasing volume and increasing frequency, to really make the most of what's left of my bulk. I'm now training on a 3 days on/1 day off cycle, and I'm really enjoying it thus far. Still at zero cardio. Weight is hovering around 127 lbs. Macros have changed a bit. I've reduced fat in favor of increasing carbs (isocaloric exchange) and increased carbs just slightly on top of that: 130P/60F/395C. Eating this much food is difficult for me, but this is an excellent place from which to start prep.

I've got about 5 weeks left to bulk, as I've decided to start my prep the first week of October. I am excited to see what I've been building. I almost can't believe that it will have been 12 months. With the exception of 5 weeks post-show that I spent reverse dieting, and 3 weeks this spring doing a mini-cut, I will have spent the remainder of the last year in a caloric surplus. It's a funny thought to be working your ass off in the gym and keeping your nutrition on point, while aesthetically looking less and less pleasing. I'm not sure how to even address the motivation behind this, because it doesn't feel like it's anything separate from myself. This is me, and this is what I want. I have the bigger picture in mind, and moments of feeling like a hot, sweaty mess in the middle of the summer don't phase me anymore. For so many people, the focus on staying lean prevents them from making any significant progress, and I'm proud of myself for not falling into that trap.


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