9 Months Out

Progress update! Currently working on getting comfortable being uncomfortable. Right when I think I'm carrying about as much body fat as I'm comfortable with, I surprise myself, and get excited about making some more gains... Body fat and all. :)

9 months out

My plan is to give myself 3 more months to build, then start dieting around October. This will give me 25 weeks for prep. I prefer to diet slow and steady, keeping food intake as high as possible, and cardio as low as possible, to keep me sane. Prep is not easy, but by giving myself plenty of time to diet, I can enjoy the journey. Because that's the point, right? Do the things that you enjoy, and don't to the things that make you miserable. :)

Current stats... Weight is hovering around 124 lbs. I've started to take my body fat % sort of hit or miss over the last 2 weeks using my handheld BIA. Falling around 24%. Macros are still the same as they have been for awhile: 130P/70F/365C. Training has been great, and knees have been feeling much better. I'm currently finishing up an overreaching cycle, and although I'm feeling pretty tired from it (after all, that's the point), I'm also feeling pretty good about the work I've put into it. 


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