10 Months Out

Short and sweet progress update. I'm about 10 months out from spring 2015 shows. Weight is hovering around 122 lbs. Macros are the same as last update: 130P/70F/365C. Although it's sometimes a struggle to eat enough food, I'll enjoy it while I can. ;)

Upper body strength is good. Lower body strength is improving as I'm still dealing with some pain in both knees. Zero cardio. Workouts have been going well. Still lifting 5 days per week.

I've decided that I will do both bikini and figure. I'm excited to see how they compare. One thing is clear, though, and that is that I need some major posing practice. I've never taken any posing lessons or been to a posing clinic before, so I'm really excited to get some help. LOL.

Here are some progress pics:

10 months out

10 months out... And my first attempt at figure posing. 


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