Willingness to Change

This is gonna be a quick one today, but it's something I've been thinking about a lot lately: the willingness to change.

I wrote a previous post about what works vs. what's optimal. I want to make it clear that I don't "believe" things are either sub-optimal or optimal. My opinions of things are based on the research that's available. Research shows us what is optimal. Research illustrates the effectiveness (or lack thereof) of certain protocols.

I feel this post would be incomplete without addressing the fact that most (if not all) issues are context dependent. Again, as I addressed in my previous post, issues are rarely, if ever, black or white. What works for someone will not work for everyone. Various training and nutritional strategies are tools that need to be used appropriately. But there needs to be a willingness to abandon practices that make things more difficult than they need to be (ie: suffering on a diet composed mainly of fish when we know that there are no magic foods) or practices that create more problems than they solve (ie: a restrictive diet intended for fat loss that creates binge eating and disordered eating patterns) when there is a more optimal approach. It won't always be easy, but don't make it harder than it has to be.

I don't haphazardly form opinions with little to no research. I don't attach myself to opinions or protocols, and I don't let them define me. So when new research and new evidence emerges, and something is shown to be more optimal, I will change my philosophies and approach accordingly.

I don't implement certain training or nutritional protocols because it's what the biggest dude at the gym does, or because it's what all the other competitors do, or because it's what the pro's do. I value solid evidence. If there is evidence to either deny or support something, I will be evaluating that evidence and adapting accordingly. As soon as the research turns up a more optimal approach, I will adapt.

I think people forget that training and nutrition is a science. Science is always progressing. And we should be progressing our philosophies along with it.

Just because it's the way that things have always been done, does not mean that it is the only way to do things, or even the most optimal way to do things. Does the thought of another bite of fish make you sick? Is your restrictive diet causing you to binge? Are you seeing little progress hitting each body part 1x/week? Don't be afraid to re-evaluate. Don't be afraid to change.

Just like every day is another chance to get stronger and improve in the gym, every day is another chance to build and expand your knowledge. Science is always searching for a better answer, and an unwillingness to let go of old opinions or beliefs will only hold you back. Question what you're told, question what you know, and have a willingness to change.

It won't always be easy, but don't make it harder than it has to be.


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